22 gennaio 2008

Yahoo fantasy sport ci risponde

Ho chiesto a yahoo fantasy sports di annullare i punti della nostra prima giornata mantenendo i punti per il campionato overall leader. purtroppo non si può fare.
ecco la mail

Hello Masa,

Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Sports.

At the moment, the feature you are requesting is not available. Since we
are always looking for ways to make Yahoo! Fantasy Sports more useful to
our users, your question has been taken as a suggestion and will be
given due consideration as we work to improve our service.

Whenever you have further comments or questions, please feel free to
email me again.

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Original Message Follows:


Name: masa ermanno

Yahoo! ID: masaermanno

Email Address: masaermanno@hotmail.com

Group Information: #8263 valtellina golf

Manager ID: cuneogolf

If yes, check here: Not set by user

Subject: Scoring

Additional Information: hi, i'm masa ermanno the commissioner of our
our group started the game trough the second round (after mercedes
benz), can you erase the point of the first round of our group?
can we keep the point of the first round for the overall leaders?

masa ermanno

While Viewing:

Form Name: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/golf/general.html

Yahoo ID: masaermanno : Yahoo id from cookie

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Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)


REMOTE_HOST: 217-220-71-152-static.albacom.net

Date Originated: Tuesday January 22, 2008 - 06:28:24


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